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Experience all HighTechXL has to offer at ExperienceXL

Join us on October 27th for ExperienceXL, a day of activities to get the full HighTechXL “experience.”

Here’s what we have in store for you:

Info Session: 11:30-12:30

If you’ve ever dreamed of having your own impact startup and solving grand societal challenges but have NO clue how to get started, this is for you.

At the Info Session, you’ll learn about the HighTechXL deep-tech venture building program, what’s in it for co-founders and team members, how much time you should dedicate to your startup and other practical information. Come with your burning questions, and we’ll get you some answers.

FasTrackathon: 13:00-16:00

At FasTrackathon, attendees choose from several advanced technologies, and, using the Market Opportunity Navigator, brainstorm potential application areas to form a business proposition.

The FasTrackathon is open to everyone. You don’t need a tech background because a successful startup also needs business and marketing expertise to round out the team.

Join FasTrackathon and experience being an entrepreneur for a day. You never know … you may just meet a co-founder or fellow adventurer who also wants to join a deep-tech venture to take the tech to market.

HealthTechXL job fair: 16:00-18:00

We launched a special healthcare and MedTech program in September, and several teams are currently going through our pre-program.

The teams that formally join our venture building program will be searching for new talent. You may be a perfect fit for one of the new HealthTechXL teams, and the job fair gives you a sneak peek at new career opportunities.

Networking and drinks: 18:00-???

Join us at the end of ExperienceXL for great networking and drinks!

ExperienceXL is all about connecting, so stick around and meet the HighTechXL team and other attendees to expand your network. This is where the magic happens.

Experience all HighTechXL has to offer at ExperienceXL. You’ll finish the day #highonlife.

Register now and we’ll see you on October 27th